Saturday, November 24, 2007

Re- mid-term

Salam my dear students, Let me raise the first question to students of Introduction to Translation:

Q- In your mid-term, what was the toughest question, and why?

Technical Translation

- Technical translation is a used to refer to translation of scientific terms.
- When Arabic is concerned , it is also given the term Arabicization.
- Methods of Arabicization:
A- Transcription or transference, is the practice of transcribing a word or text written in one writing system into another writing system or system of rules for such practice. It refers to transferring the term from language 1 to language 2 according to the way it is pronounced such as bank and computer بنك – كمبيوتر
This type can be used temporarily until a new language-2- term is coined.
B- Naturalization, which is adapting the L1 term to the phonological rules of L2. Examples of this type are oxidization أكسدة and technological تقنيّ .
C- Translation i.e. translation of the meaning of the word or term such as رقمي for digital and ثلاثي أبعاد for 3D.
D- Coinage: making up a new word to refer to a new concept that hasn’t been lexicalized yet. There are many sub-methodologies that go under coinage. Among which are:
D 1- Revival: to recover and use a dead word that is no longer used, such as سيارة for car , and قطار for train.
D 2- Derivation: using language measurements to form new words such as مرصد for observatory and مصنع for factory.
D 3- Blending: a blend is a word formed from parts of two other words. That’s used in both Arabic and English. حيعلة ، بسملة ، جيوفيزياء