Sunday, December 9, 2007

Themes for Term Papers

Here are some themes for term papers that will be submitted right after Hajj holiday, these will be evaluated out of ten marks. Any attempts for plagiarism or copy-paste act will be deemed as cheating and will receive no marks at all.

1- Problem of long sentences in Arabic and English; illustrated with examples
2- Bias in translation; why and when?
3- Translation of proverbs from English into Arabic, similarities or differences between proverbs in the two languages
4- Translation of proverbs from Arabic into English
5- Techniques used in Arabicization with an examination of 50 examples for every technique

Every term paper must be typed and well-written in terms of grammar and style. It must be at least 3 pages long and no more than 5 pages. A student is supposed to write his own opinion at the end of his mini-research.

Should you have any questions about research methodology and format, please follow the links provided in the site, write a post or send me an e-mail.